North Bay/Nipissing District Event Details

International Day of Elimination of Racial Discrimination



Digital Anti-Racism Artwork Contest

Students Who Make a Difference

The purpose of this art contest is to provide children and youth with the opportunity to be creative; and share their knowledge and feelings about how to be inclusive and create welcoming spaces for their peers.

IDERD 2022 Event

Virtual Award Event: Recognition of Nominees Day

This year, the event will be held virtually at 1:00pm on Wednesday, March 23rd, 2022, and available on NBDMC’s Youtube Page.


  • Form for Submissions

  • Criteria for Logo Contest

    The Logo is the face of IDERD’s virtual identity. Make it look simple yet smart, make it look fresh and with a hidden message. The logo decides the image of our event and should have a lasting impact in the minds of those viewing it. Before choosing a final logo, we will be reviewing them based on simplicity, originality, creativity and if it fits with the message that International Day of Elimination of Racial Discrimination is portraying.

  • Resources on IDERD

Nomination Application

The IDERD committee is looking for nominees within Nipissing District who have shown leadership in eliminating racial discrimination in all its forms, in order to promote understanding between races and to build communities free from all forms of racial discrimination. Who do you know that challenges racial discrimination locally, nationally, or internationally?

Submit your completed form (in Word or PDF format) to Keisha Michaud at: Nomination forms can be downloaded below.

Questions? Contact Keisha by email or call


IDERD Digital Artwork Contest for Students

  • The purpose of the Art Work Contest is to bring awareness to International Day of Elimination of racial discrimination in our schools by creating artwork that touches on the human rights code

  • L’objectif du concours est d’apporter une attention à la "Journée internationale pour l’élimination de la discrimination raciale" en créant des œuvres d’art qui touchent au code des droits de la personne

  • Criteria for Artwork Contest

  • Critères pour le Concours d’œuvres d’Art

Students Who Make a Difference

Criteria for Student’s Who Make a Difference

February 2022 Newsletters

December 2021 Newsletters